Domů Discharge from the hospital

Discharge from the hospital

What to expect?


The length of stay depends on your and the baby’s condition. Following normal vaginal delivery you are discharged within 48 – 72 post delivery (2 – 3 days).

Following the caesarean section is the length of stay slightly longer, you can be discharged approximately between 72 – 96 hours post delivery (3 – 4 days).

A neonatologist will pass you medical and vaccination book for the baby, TBC questionnaire and a discharge paper for your local paeditrician. He/she will also discuss important imformation regarding the care of the newborm at home and will answer all of your questions.


An early discharge from the hospital prior 48 hours post delivery is possible following the consent from our specialists. A neonatologist will pass you medical and vaccination book for the baby, TBC questionnaire and a discharge paper for your local paeditrician. He/she will also discuss important imformation regarding the care of the newborm at home and will answer all of your questions.

It is necessary to discuss all the possibilities regarding all the screening test for your baby. It is also necessary to maintain following check-up at your paediatrician after the discharge from the hospital.


When do we have to visit the hospital following the discharge?

  • In case of checking baby’s jaundice. Checking the jaundice is also possible when your local paediatrician recommends this.
  • In case of controlling baby’s weight gain (if the baby was born preterm or hypotrophic).
  • In case of any other test needed

When has the baby to be re-admitted?

  • In case of treating baby’s jaundice (with a blue light)
  • In case of blood transfusion


Can I borrow a baby breath monitor in the hospital?

You can borrow a baby breath monitor in the pharmacy of Urology Clinic which is the building in a very close neighbourhood of our hospital.

Lactation Consultancy

tel.: +420 725 965 159

  • phone consultation:

Monday-Friday 8:00 – 9:30

  • Personal consultation (always by appointment)

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 – 9:30


Více informací


You can borrow a baby breath monitor in the pharmacy of Urology Clinic which is the building in a very close neighbourhood of our hospital.

Let’s reduce SIDS

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome