Domů The Delivery Centre Apolinar

The Delivery Centre Apolinar

Is your pregnancy considered to be low-risk? You can experience a birth led only by a trained midwife

Take the advantage of our Delivery Centre which is part of the obstetrical side of our hospital and is determined for low-risk pregnant ladies.

Determination of low-risk or complicated pregnancy is indicated by our obstetricians in the Antenatal Clinic. In case your pregnancy is considered to be high-risk the care will be given by our specialized obstetricians outside The Delivery Centre. Our goal for the low-risk pregnant women is to interfere as less as possible during all stages of labour, ensure maximum of the privacy and comfort followed by the immediate contact with the newborn without any separation – all with ensuring of the safety for the mother and the baby.

There are separate delivery rooms, bathroom included, in which your company can be present.

During the whole length of stay in The Delivery Centre you can contact either the obstetrician or the intensive care specialists.


What does LOW-RISK pregnancy mean and what sort of care we offer?

Most of the pregnancies are considered to be low-risk. This means there are no pre-existing complications on the mother or baby side which could cause any possible problems during the pregnancy. Considering the level of risks is the antenatal care and the delivery led either by an obstetrician or by a midwife.

One of the crucial advantages of low-risk obstetrical care provided by our Delivery Centre is fact that in case of any emergency there is a team of highly trained specialists always and immediately available. In our team you can find apart of the obstetricians also anaesthetists, neonatologists and even pelvic surgery specialists. Numerous team of doctors, midwives and nurses is 24/7 available and will take care of any urgent situation. It is not likely you might require this type of specialized care but we would like you to know our specialists are always available. Our Hospital of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology is part of General Teaching Hospital in Prague which represents the very top of medical care in the Czech Republic. We provide multidisciplinary cooperation with all the specialists and care of patients from all the clinics is our advantage.

Antenatal care in the Delivery Center

If you plan to give birth in our Maternity Hospital you usually attend (in case of a non-complicated pregnancy) for the first check-in during the 36th week of pregnancy. If your pregnancy is considered as a high-risk you will be transferred to our care earlier – regarding the situation.

The goal of the first check-in is summary of you current pregnancy, the ultrasound scan to measure the baby included. According to the possible risks you will be treated as a low-risk or a high-risk.

If you are considered as a low-risk you could be treated by the end of the pregnancy by your general gynaecologist. In case you prefer to be cared in our hospital, an obstetrician or a midwife will be chosen by you. Should you choose a midwife for the antenatal care she will become the closest person in the hospital giving you advices, answering all the questions regarding the delivery and will give you support all the time. In case of interest you can also discuss any situation with the doctor aswell.

The care in the delivery Center during the labour

In case of a low-risk rate of complications:

  • Following the admission to the Labour Ward will be checked your pregnancy remains low-risk again. If low-risk is confirmed you will be offered a delivery led by a midwife. You and your patner (company) are going to be transferred to the delivery room. Now you are cared by a midwife who calls an obstetrician in case of any irregularities.
  • The midwife calls an obstrician (who is present in the Centre) to assist with the delivery in case of severe bleeding, the baby gets distressed or any other emergency occurs
  • Our primary goal is to led the labour in a situation there is no risk at all without any interfering according to your requirements and needs – physical activity and meal supplying included.
  • Should you like any analgesia there is a various of options as an epidural, ‘gas&air’ (Actynox/Entonox) in form of nasal inhalatation or opioid injection. The choice of analgesia is 24/7 available, made with a co-operation with the anaesthetists and is covered by your health insurance.
  • We prefer you to give birth in any position comfortable and preferred by you without performing an episiotomy. As long as the baby is delivered in a good condition without any complications it is placed in skin to skin immediatly and it stays there as long as you wish. Cutting of the cord takes place when the vessels stop to pulsate. In case everything is physiological following the labour you are going to be trasferred to the Postnatal Ward in 2 hours post-delivery, shower and meal included. Our top priority is your maximal comfort, security and privacy.

Postnatal care followed by normal full term delivery

There is a possibility to take the advantage of a short length stay. In thiy case the follow-up care of your newborn in our hospital is advised.

According to the current situation we do offer a discharge approx. 48 hours post normal vaginal delivery nad approx. post caesarean section. This option is consentual followed by an agreement on both sides. On the postnatal ward is a lady and a baby cared by a midwife and a baby nurse (followed by an uncomplicated delivery). If you are discharged early, your baby can be treated by your local paeditrician.