Domů Bonding and the first latching on

Bonding and the first latching on

Bonding – skin to skin – is the first contact between mother and the newborn directly after the birth. This is the most natural way how to welcome your baby to the world.

What to expect?


Straight after the delivery we perform so called late clamping of the cord. During this period baby remains on mother’s chest whilst the cord is still pulsating. Dried baby is covered by a blanket or a towel. The baby nurse is supervising and taking care of this process. At the moment the cord stops to pulsate we clamp the cord both on baby and maternal side and the partner can cut the cord. Baby still remains on maternal chest being given a hat and possibly another warm blanket. If everything remains physiological, baby remains like this up to 2 hours. Baby is being checked by a neonatal nurse with the cooperation of a midwife. The wellbeing of the baby is also monitored by a pulse oxymeter (tiny transducer attached to right hand) which monitors the heartbeat and the oxygen saturation.

We support breastfeeding from the very beginning. The first latching on to the breast during bonding within these first couple of hours of life is the most succesful step for effective breastfeeding in the future. We are actively helping to you and your baby with the first latching on. We are here for you, ready to answer any question.


Our goal is to maintain the most natural conditions even during the surgery. The more natural way of the delivery the more post delivery adaptation of the baby.


Even during the caesarean section we routinely provide late cord clamping and bonding skin to skin (in case this is not permorfed in general anaesthesia). During this surgery there is always a paediatrician present. Straight after the baby comes out the baby gets cleaned and dried. Straight after this we put the baby on your chest and cover him/her with warm blanket. In case of any complications we support any other form of contact – e.g. we put the baby alongside your head so you can be in touch by your faces. The father can assist or other loved person. If your condition does not allow this – the father or any other close person can perform the skin to skin contact.

For successful breastfeeding is necessary to latch the baby on the breast in very first hours post delivery. If mother’s and baby’s condition allows this the midwife or a baby nurse helps you to put the baby on the breast straight after the surgery is being finished.

After the surgery you are trasferred to the ICU (intensive care unit) where you have to remain by the time you are fit and well to be admitted to the Postnatal Ward. By this time the baby stays on the Newborn Unit under the care of neonatal nurses which bring the baby to you on regular basis to be latched on the breast. Partner or any person close to you can visit the baby at any time.